Star Charm
by Belinda Fish (located on the corner of State and Main St.)
The Star Charm painting was inspired by the sights we see living in Star near State Street. The loving, crazy talkative horse represents the horses on Plummer Road near State Street when many peacocks roam. There are many frogs and toads hiding and quail run across the roads in lines. Steve’s Auto is painted with one of his beautiful parrots he perches outside at times in good weather. Blake’s Trailers, The Merc, the old Train Depot (now Bordertown Coffee) and Star Elementary School are also depicted. The school had the original name for Star as it had a star on it made of nails, so the town eventually was named Star. The grapes on the post represent all the vineyards. The man ploughing his field is a nod to how it used to be. The cows and barn are in the area where Albertsons now is located. A nice man and a dog called ‘Pepper’ lived there and he rented out the fields to the cows.
It gets very hot here in summer, so I painted dry grass in the hills and a blazing sun. The horse is trying to stay cool standing in the water. The butterfly is one of many we have here. This a great place to see astrological events, so I painted in a comet. I hope the city continues to promote down lighting to save our dark sky at night. The fish in the stream represents the angling that can be done here and my name of course. My aim was to give children something to look at and to give those passing by a smile. There are 12 stars hidden in the picture.