Welcome to Star

Our city was incorporated for the second time on December 10, 1997 (for information on Star's first incorporation visit our History of Star page).  The date was commemorated by the Idaho State Legislature with the issuance of Senate Joint Proclamation No. 101 which reads in part:

"As poets have honored the beauty of the stars in the galaxy, the Idaho legislature honors it’s very own Star. While it only twinkles in size to many other Idaho cities, its residents have an inner warmth of goodness, friendliness and community spirit. We are confident these qualities will shine forth like diamonds in the sky, as the new City of Star takes its place as one of Idaho's shining examples of good and wise municipal government."

2022 is our 25th year as a city, and these words continue to ring true.  Star remains a beacon of goodness, friendliness and community spirit that draws people from all over the U.S. in search of a place to call home.  Whether you've lived here your entire life, or are one of the many people that have recently relocated to Star, I want to personally welcome you and hope that you will take the time to get to know your neighbors, wave at a stranger, enjoy one of our parks, take a walk along the Boise River or volunteer with one of the many committees and organizations that serve our community and make it an awesome place to live.

My grandfather, Jack M. Murphy was Idaho's Lt. Governor from 1967-1975.  In his final address to the Idaho Legislature he said,

“There can be no personal victory or triumph for those who serve here.  There can be no individual defeat.  No man or woman can rule here, or for any prolonged period impose his or her will upon others.  The only victor when we are wise – is Idaho.  The only victim if we are unwise – is her People.”  

I include his quote in the signature of every email I send as a reminder of the privilege it is to be your Mayor and my duty to serve Star's citizens.


Mayor Trevor A. Chadwick

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Proclamation declaring the City of Star