Mayor's Youth Council & Scholarship Program

Scholarship Info



Graduating high school seniors in the Star area are invited to apply for the Star Mayor’s Scholarship Program.  The Star Mayor’s Scholarship program was started in 2009 and has continued annually.  Scholarship awards range from $500 to $1,500.

Students applying for the scholarship must plan to enroll in a post-secondary educational institution or trade school and live within the boundaries set forth on the application.

Scholarships will be awarded based on scholastic achievement, leadership, and community service, as determined through the application process, along with letters of reference and an interview.

The Scholarship Committee selects the scholarship recipients and is made up of Star Lions Club members. Applications can be submitted anytime between March 1 and March 31 of every year.  Interviews will be conducted the third week in April and winners announced May 1.  Students and their parents are treated to an awards dinner in May.   

Download a scholarship application in the supporting documents below.  Additional instructions are on the application.





Why Join?

  • Community Service/Involvement
  • Field Trips
  • Job Opportunities
  • Networking
  • Scholarship Opportunities for Seniors

Who's Eligible?

Residents of Star who are students ages 14 through 18. We are looking for kids that are committed to improving their community and empowering other young people in the city of Star.

Areas of Interest

  • Community Service:
    Fulfill community service hours needed for NJHS, NHS and other assoc. Help others in your community through volunteering opportunities.
  • Government Affairs:
    Be included and learn about local government through civic engagement. Attend City Council meetings, assist the Mayor and other city officials.
  • Activities Committee:
    Help plan and participate in fun community events. Examples include Fourth of July, Star Movie Nights, Summer Concerts, and October Trunk or Treat.


  • Commit to completing one year of service. Star MYC membership terms are one (1) year  terms beginning in May and ending in April of the following year.
  • Complete 4 hours of community service per semester
  • Attend one city council meeting per year

Apply to be a member of the Mayor's Youth Leadership Council. Be part of this group of young leaders and make a difference in our community!

Fill out the application below and email it to: