Veteran's Day Potato Feed - Nov 11 @6PM
About the Event
This Veteran’s Day, November 11th, the City of Star will host its first annual Veteran’s Day Potato Feed. Veteran’s will get a loaded baked potato for free, while guests will be asked to donate $5 or much needed items to the VA's Food Pantry. The City of Star is a Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemorative partner with the Department of Defense. Mayor Chadwick will host a ceremony at the event to honor our Vietnam Veterans with an official Department of Defense lapel pin. If you have not signed up to receive your pin, visit: to registered for your pin. The City of Star honors it’s fallen heroes on Memorial Day, but let’s not forget those who came home and give them the welcome they so deserve. We are looking for sponsors, donations, and volunteers for this event. If you would like to learn more, email
6:00 PM
Doors Open
Potatoes Served, VA Food Pantry Items Collected
7:00 PM
American Heritage Girls Honor Guard
American Heritage Girls Patriotic Song
Invocation – Gay Ivey, Daughters of the American Revolution, Eagle Chapter
Guest Speaker – Gordon Souza, U.S. Marines, Master Gunner Sergeant
Guest Speaker – Trevor Chadwick, Mayor of Star
Vietnam Veterans Lapel Pinning Ceremony
Closing Prayer – Larry Osborn
Veteran's eat for FREE - General Public $5 or in-kind donations
All proceeds from the event will go to support the Boise VA's Food Pantry
The Food Pantry at the Boise VA Medical Center provides food to Veterans on a daily basis, and with the current state of the economy the demand continues to increase. There are weeks that their small pantry hands out over 30 bags of food. They assist homeless Veterans, but most of their food goes to low- or fixed-income Veterans. Many have come to rely on the pantry, and new families are reaching out every day due to increased financial hardships. Below is a list of items that they regularly stock. They try to provide Veterans with three meals and a few snacks, but it depends on what donations they have on hand. Most of the food is donated, but they are also able to purchase food with donated. With winter coming, they anticipate additional resources will be needed to meet our Veteran’s needs.
Canned Tuna | Cereal |
Canned Chicken | Oatmeal |
Canned Fruit | Protein Bars |
Beef Stew | Frozen Meals |
Apple Sauce | Meat |
Spaghetti Noodles & Sauce | Peanut Butter |
Spam | Instant Rice |
Chili | Mac & Cheese |
Hamburger Helper | Individual bags of: |
Chunky Soups | Chips |
Pudding Cups | Granola Bars |
Protein Drinks | Fruit Snacks |
Spaghetti O's | Snack Mix |
Ravioli | Nuts |
They also accept Winco and Albertsons cards so families can get bread, milk, butter, cheese etc. Monetary donations are deposited into the pantry’s Crisis Fund and used to help Veterans with urgent needs. These funds are used to pay for gas cards, food cards, food for the pantry, etc.