The City Zoning Map is located on the webpage or under “Maps” on the Planning & Zoning Department. A staff member would be happy to help determine the zoning designation of your parcel. Please have the address or parcel number when calling.
Planning & Zoning FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Each parcel within the City has setback requirements associated according to the zoning designation. The required setbacks for front, rear and side property lines are located in the Unified Development Code. Setbacks are measured from the property line. The best way to determine your property lines is to locate the actual property pins.
The Unified Development Code contains a list of defined uses in each district within the City of Star. Each zoning designation has Permitted, Uses Allowed with a Conditional Use Permit and Non-allowed uses. Each district has its own matrix and is located in the code.
All uses that are not defined are considered automatically to be Conditional Uses and must go through the Public Hearing process.
Development within certain flood zones require a Flood Plain Development Permit and must meet the requirements of the City’s Flood Hazard Ordinance.
An original parcel of land may be divided one time, administratively, into not more than two (2) lots, parcels, or sites for the purpose of transfer of ownership or development. This process does not require a public hearing, unless the City requires the applicant to plat the land division.
Temporary living quarters are permitted in the City, in some cases, to house a member of the immediate family. The need for temporary living quarters for a family member must be justified for reasons of health, employment, or upkeep on the property. The structure may be permitted for two years and may not remain for more than six years. Other criteria may be required.
If the business is allowed in a residential district, a home occupation application must be filled out and submitted to the City. In most cases home occupations are allowed, but shall meet certain criteria. Please see Section 8-5 3-27 Home Occupation for requirements.
Please make an appointment with the planning department to have your property evaluated for flood zone location.
The City Code contains the information necessary to build a fence. No sight obscuring fencing shall be over three feet (3') tall within the vision triangle on corner lots. No fence shall be erected over three feet (3') in height in a front yard. No fence, on the perimeter boundary or within any required setback area shall exceed a height of six feet (6') above adjacent grade.