Veterans Day Potato Feed 2022 - Recap

The 1st annual Veterans Day Potato Feed was a great evening as our community came together to show our appreciation to those who served their country. More than 250 guests, including veterans, their families, and supporters, enjoyed a baked potato with all the fixin’s at LifeSpring Church.  This year we took special care to honor our Vietnam Veterans as part of the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the war. Mayor Chadwick gave out 30 Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pins issued by the Department of Defense to local Vietnam Veterans.  The City of Star is one of only three cities in Idaho that are partners in the commemorative program. 

Veterans enjoyed their potato for free, while guests were asked to pay $5 or bring an in-kind food donation.  Since the potatoes and toppings were donated by Justin May with Firehouse Subs, Dana Partridge & Tom Erlebach, 100% of the proceeds went to the Boise VA Food Pantry.  The event brought in over $1,000 and nearly 150 pounds of food.  Jake Faulkner accepted the donation on behalf of the VA's food pantry. Jake is not only a veteran, but also a resident of Star! He let us know that the number of veterans the food pantry serves has been on the rise. During this season of giving, please consider the VA food pantry as one of the recipients of your generosity.

We look forward to this event becoming an annual tradition to honor all our veterans.

To view a full recording of the event, courtesy of Ernest Woods and Star Spirit Media, CLICK HERE


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Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day