Visit our YouTube channel and look for the live streaming meeting. City Council meetings begin at 7:00PM, but there is a delay in streaming so it may show up a few minutes after 7:00 PM. Visit the City of Star YouTube Channel
Request Zoom meeting link from Please provide your first & last name, and which public hearing you want to testify on.
- The Mayor states the request of the application and explains the Public Hearing procedures.
- The Mayor asks the applicant or applicant’s representative to speak; they are allowed up to 20 minutes to give a presentation.
- The Council may ask questions of the applicant or applicant’s representative.
- City Staff may present additional comments and present any late exhibits to the Council.
- The Mayor will ask for comments from the public. Any person who plans to testify at a Public Hearing is required to sign the sign-up sheet located at the rear of the room. If a person does not wish to speak, but wishes to show support for, or opposition to, a project that person may still sign the sheet.
- Before testifying, all persons must state their name and address.
- Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per testimony.
- The public may not have a dialogue with the applicant; they may state opinions/facts, give comments and ask questions for applicant rebuttal.
- The applicant or the applicant’s representative will be allowed to speak for 10 minutes of rebuttal to any testimony presented before the decision-making body.
- The Mayor will close the Public Hearing. When the Public Hearing is officially declared closed by the Mayor, no further public testimony is permitted.
- The Council will move to deliberation and discuss all evidence and testimony obtained during the Public Hearing process.
- The Council will make a decision to Approve, Approve with Conditions, Table, or Deny the application.
- During the hearing process, all members of the public are expected to treat others at the Public Hearing with respect.
- Only those recognized by the Presiding Officer will be allowed to speak.
- Any persons not following these guidelines may be asked to leave the Public Hearing.
- Focus on the Facts - It is the applicants’, representative, and/or public's responsibility to persuade the decision-makers to vote or decide in favor of your request. It will not help your cause to anger, alienate or antagonize the decision-makers that are listening to your presentation. Complaints are usually a poor use of time and do not aid in a timely and fair decision making process.
- Know the Law and Be Well Informed - Officials are not likely to make decisions in violation of county or state codes. No amount of passion, persuasion, or pleading will accomplish this task. Research the subject/application request and past decisions, before you plan your testimony. The applicant or member of the public may request a copy of the staff report, public/agency response letters, and other pertinent information regarding the subject application, prior to the hearing.
- Discuss the Application with the Planning and Zoning Administrator -The P&Z Administrator is available by appointment to discuss the application in advance of the hearing.
- State your Request Clearly - The decision-makers want to know the details of what they are being asked to approve. Be careful to include ALL information regarding your request.
- Speak to the Point - The hearing body is grateful when the testimony is pertinent, well organized and directly relates to the application request. One person may speak for several members of the public with the same opinion. Provide the decision makers or P&Z Administrator with a list of names and addresses of all persons with the same opinion(s). Long stories, personal philosophy, and what Aunt Sophie said at dinner last night (hear-say) are not decision making facts.
- Be Confident - Testimony is not required to be given by a professional engineer, developer or planner. All non-repetitive, public testimony is welcomed at the Public Hearing.
- Be Reasonable - The decision makers must consider all pertinent and factual points of view, interests, proposals, and facts. The decision makers will seek the best course for serving the overall public good. It is the speakers’ obligation to present the speakers’ in interests. However, remember that there is always other legitimate competition. Be prepared to compromise, if necessary.
- Testimony May Be Submitted To the City in Writing - At most hearings, all testimony is reviewed by the decision making body with assistance from staff. If written testimony is specific, to the point and concise, it will be given as much attention as oral testimony, especially if the decision-makers have more time to review your written comments. By necessity, oral testimony has time limits so that more people can speak. Written testimony has no length limitations. It may be effective to summarize your testimony orally in 3 to 5 minutes and then submit the details in writing.