Homeschool PE

Homeschool PE

All Ages
Will split classes up by grade level as needed


$40 a month regular months

$50 a month/per participant ( October only 5 weeks)

 $5 per class or $10 per class drop in

A homeschool PE class with a heavy focus on teamwork and active play. Students will be introduced to youth sports as well as the basics of general health and fitness.

To Register go to:

Hello Participants!

As a reminder, you will NO LONGER be able to register and sign in through our OLD SPORTSPLUS SYSTEM. 
We know that with all NEW PROGRAMS, there can be some frustration BUT, we hope that this transition will be smooth for all involved.

Our NEW PROGRAM is called SAWYER. 

To START an account, you will need to log in to this URL:
1. Log In to the FAMILIES section in BLUE
3.You will add your email you would like to get notifications/receipts sent too.
4. Create a password 
5. Enter Zip Code
6. Add any family members to your account that you would like attached (Husband/Children/etc.)
7. You will need to VERIFY your account in the email you registered

Once you have verified your account, you can find our REGISTRATION PAGE
1. In the SEARCH BAR, type in CITY OF STAR
2. This led you to our page. I will WARN YOU; we now have ALL OF OUR RECREATION CLASSES LISTED, which can be overwhelming. I have tabs ON TOP that can break down your options "YOGA or TAI CHI"
3. Select the class you wish to take and  click REGISTER
4. You will need to add a credit card to be used for future use to finish the transition.
5. You should be able to add more than one month to the cart.

For those that turn in checks to the lock-box, I have added accounts for you and will apply your checks and add you to the roster.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks for your patience!

Annie Pew
Recreation Coordinator
208-286-7247 ext. 4001