Dog License Renewal

Please complete the fields below to renew your dog's license.  After submitting your information, you will be sent a confirmation email with payment instructions.

Per Star City Code 4-4-6, any person within the City of Star who owns, harbors, keeps, or possesses a dog which is older than six months of age must procure a license for said dog(s).  Written proof of spay or neuter and proof of current rabies vaccination, issued by a licensed veterinarian, must accompany this application.  All licenses are valid for one year from the date of issuance.

Dog Gender *
Rabies Vaccination Expiration Date
Enter the expiration date provided on the rabies vaccination certificate form your veterinarian. A copy or photograph of the rabies certificate must be emailed to the clerk's office before your license will be issued. Please email to
Is the dog spayed or neutered? *
Is the dog a service animal? *